Thank you to our sponsors
There is no flight scheduled today, we stay in Cairo for the whole day and for another night. We plan to leave tomorrow morning for Luxor, via Hurghada, located on the shores of the Red Sea.
We would like to take the opportunity of this “rest” day to thank the people who have offered us their financial support and who have accepted to sponsor part of our journey across Africa.
By alphabetical order, a heartfelt thank you to:
– Michel Vanescote via his company ASSISTANCE FISCALE
– Olivier Vanden Broeck via his company SCALIS SARL
– Philippe Chaudron for all his efforts…..very, very appreciated!
– Philippe Vanden Broeck for putting us in contact with Michel and Olivier, you are a star!
– Tiziano de Angelis via his company ANTEVORTE MANAGEMENT