Last inspection of the Stampe before the D-Day
The airplane has been in Chania (west of Crete) for 5 days now and we are extremely lucky because Raymond and his wife Inge accepted to come over with a Ryanair flight from Charleroi to perform a last check-up of our Stampe before it leaves for Sitia (east of Crete) and Africa….
Raymond and Inge had arrived in Chania on 2 November but the Stampe was still stuck in the area of Athens due to tricky weather. The funny thing is that Raymond and Inge were driving around the airport on Saturday 5 November when they saw Cedric and the Stampe on final and about to land!!! They went straight away to say hello and welcome Cedric there!
The next day, which was a Sunday (!), Raymond already started working on the plane!! Here is Raymond with the open cowling of our Stampe:
Our friend Kosmas, a flight instructor and accountable manager of a flying school based in Chania, made our life very easy to go through the security and the administrative barriers in the airport. Here is a picture of Raymond and him, taken by Inge:
The inspection is now done. Raymond says he is satisfied. The Stampe is ready for the big departure!
Raymond and Inge: it is time for us to say a HUGE and heartfelt thank you for your support and concern, your devotion here in Crete, your enthusiasm and fantastic teamwork to help us make this dream come true. We hope to fly the aircraft till South Africa and that you will be there, in the end of December, to take care of the dismantling and shipping back to Belgium….and enjoy a bit of flying too before you put her in a big box 😉